/* Adapted from the Adafruit and Xark's PDQ graphicstest sketch. See end of file for original header text and MIT license info. */ /******************************************************************************* * Start of Arduino_GFX setting ******************************************************************************/ #include /* OPTION 1: Uncomment a dev device in Arduino_GFX_dev_device.h */ #include "Arduino_GFX_dev_device.h" #ifndef GFX_DEV_DEVICE /* OPTION 2: Manual define hardware */ /* Step 1: Define pins in Arduino_GFX_databus.h */ #include "Arduino_GFX_pins.h" /* Step 2: Uncomment your databus in Arduino_GFX_databus.h */ #include "Arduino_GFX_databus.h" /* Step 3: Uncomment your display driver in Arduino_GFX_display.h */ #include "Arduino_GFX_display.h" #endif /* Manual define hardware */ /******************************************************************************* * End of Arduino_GFX setting ******************************************************************************/ #ifdef ESP32 #undef F #define F(s) (s) #endif int32_t w, h, n, n1, cx, cy, cx1, cy1, cn, cn1; uint8_t tsa, tsb, tsc, ds; void setup() { #ifdef DEV_DEVICE_INIT DEV_DEVICE_INIT(); #endif Serial.begin(115200); // Serial.setDebugOutput(true); // while(!Serial); Serial.println("Arduino_GFX PDQgraphicstest example!"); // Init Display if (!gfx->begin()) // if (!gfx->begin(80000000)) /* specify data bus speed */ { Serial.println("gfx->begin() failed!"); } w = gfx->width(); h = gfx->height(); n = min(w, h); n1 = n - 1; cx = w / 2; cy = h / 2; cx1 = cx - 1; cy1 = cy - 1; cn = min(cx1, cy1); cn1 = cn - 1; tsa = ((w <= 176) || (h <= 160)) ? 1 : (((w <= 240) || (h <= 240)) ? 2 : 3); // text size A tsb = ((w <= 272) || (h <= 220)) ? 1 : 2; // text size B tsc = ((w <= 220) || (h <= 220)) ? 1 : 2; // text size C ds = (w <= 160) ? 9 : ((w <= 280) ? 10 : 12); // digit size #ifdef GFX_BL pinMode(GFX_BL, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(GFX_BL, HIGH); #endif } static inline uint32_t micros_start() __attribute__((always_inline)); static inline uint32_t micros_start() { uint8_t oms = millis(); while ((uint8_t)millis() == oms) ; return micros(); } void loop(void) { Serial.println(F("Benchmark\tmicro-secs")); int32_t usecFillScreen = testFillScreen(); serialOut(F("Screen fill\t"), usecFillScreen, 100, true); int32_t usecText = testText(); serialOut(F("Text\t"), usecText, 3000, true); int32_t usecPixels = testPixels(); serialOut(F("Pixels\t"), usecPixels, 100, true); int32_t usecLines = testLines(); serialOut(F("Lines\t"), usecLines, 100, true); int32_t usecFastLines = testFastLines(); serialOut(F("Horiz/Vert Lines\t"), usecFastLines, 100, true); int32_t usecFilledRects = testFilledRects(); serialOut(F("Rectangles (filled)\t"), usecFilledRects, 100, false); int32_t usecRects = testRects(); serialOut(F("Rectangles (outline)\t"), usecRects, 100, true); int32_t usecFilledTrangles = testFilledTriangles(); serialOut(F("Triangles (filled)\t"), usecFilledTrangles, 100, false); int32_t usecTriangles = testTriangles(); serialOut(F("Triangles (outline)\t"), usecTriangles, 100, true); int32_t usecFilledCircles = testFilledCircles(10); serialOut(F("Circles (filled)\t"), usecFilledCircles, 100, false); int32_t usecCircles = testCircles(10); serialOut(F("Circles (outline)\t"), usecCircles, 100, true); int32_t usecFilledArcs = testFillArcs(); serialOut(F("Arcs (filled)\t"), usecFilledArcs, 100, false); int32_t usecArcs = testArcs(); serialOut(F("Arcs (outline)\t"), usecArcs, 100, true); int32_t usecFilledRoundRects = testFilledRoundRects(); serialOut(F("Rounded rects (filled)\t"), usecFilledRoundRects, 100, false); int32_t usecRoundRects = testRoundRects(); serialOut(F("Rounded rects (outline)\t"), usecRoundRects, 100, true); #ifdef CANVAS uint32_t start = micros_start(); gfx->flush(); int32_t usecFlush = micros() - start; serialOut(F("flush (Canvas only)\t"), usecFlush, 0, false); #endif Serial.println(F("Done!")); uint16_t c = 4; int8_t d = 1; for (int32_t i = 0; i < h; i++) { gfx->drawFastHLine(0, i, w, c); c += d; if (c <= 4 || c >= 11) { d = -d; } } gfx->setCursor(0, 0); gfx->setTextSize(tsa); gfx->setTextColor(RGB565_MAGENTA); gfx->println(F("Arduino GFX PDQ")); if (h > w) { gfx->setTextSize(tsb); gfx->setTextColor(RGB565_GREEN); gfx->print(F("\nBenchmark ")); gfx->setTextSize(tsc); if (ds == 12) { gfx->print(F(" ")); } gfx->println(F("micro-secs")); } printnice(F("Screen fill "), usecFillScreen); printnice(F("Text "), usecText); printnice(F("Pixels "), usecPixels); printnice(F("Lines "), usecLines); printnice(F("H/V Lines "), usecFastLines); printnice(F("Rectangles F"), usecFilledRects); printnice(F("Rectangles "), usecRects); printnice(F("Triangles F "), usecFilledTrangles); printnice(F("Triangles "), usecTriangles); printnice(F("Circles F "), usecFilledCircles); printnice(F("Circles "), usecCircles); printnice(F("Arcs F "), usecFilledArcs); printnice(F("Arcs "), usecArcs); printnice(F("RoundRects F"), usecFilledRoundRects); printnice(F("RoundRects "), usecRoundRects); if ((h > w) || (h > 240)) { gfx->setTextSize(tsc); gfx->setTextColor(RGB565_GREEN); gfx->print(F("\nBenchmark Complete!")); } #ifdef CANVAS gfx->flush(); #endif delay(60 * 1000L); } #ifdef ESP32 void serialOut(const char *item, int32_t v, uint32_t d, bool clear) #else void serialOut(const __FlashStringHelper *item, int32_t v, uint32_t d, bool clear) #endif { #ifdef CANVAS gfx->flush(); #endif Serial.print(item); if (v < 0) { Serial.println(F("N/A")); } else { Serial.println(v); } delay(d); if (clear) { gfx->fillScreen(RGB565_BLACK); } } #ifdef ESP32 void printnice(const char *item, long int v) #else void printnice(const __FlashStringHelper *item, long int v) #endif { gfx->setTextSize(tsb); gfx->setTextColor(RGB565_CYAN); gfx->print(item); gfx->setTextSize(tsc); gfx->setTextColor(RGB565_YELLOW); if (v < 0) { gfx->println(F(" N / A")); } else { char str[32] = {0}; #ifdef RTL8722DM sprintf(str, "%d", (int)v); #else sprintf(str, "%ld", v); #endif for (char *p = (str + strlen(str)) - 3; p > str; p -= 3) { memmove(p + 1, p, strlen(p) + 1); *p = ','; } while (strlen(str) < ds) { memmove(str + 1, str, strlen(str) + 1); *str = ' '; } gfx->println(str); } } int32_t testFillScreen() { uint32_t start = micros_start(); // Shortened this tedious test! gfx->fillScreen(RGB565_WHITE); gfx->fillScreen(RGB565_RED); gfx->fillScreen(RGB565_GREEN); gfx->fillScreen(RGB565_BLUE); gfx->fillScreen(RGB565_BLACK); return micros() - start; } int32_t testText() { uint32_t start = micros_start(); gfx->setCursor(0, 0); gfx->setTextSize(1); gfx->setTextColor(RGB565_WHITE, RGB565_BLACK); gfx->println(F("Hello World!")); gfx->setTextSize(2); gfx->setTextColor(gfx->color565(0xff, 0x00, 0x00)); gfx->print(F("RGB565_RED ")); gfx->setTextColor(gfx->color565(0x00, 0xff, 0x00)); gfx->print(F("RGB565_GREEN ")); gfx->setTextColor(gfx->color565(0x00, 0x00, 0xff)); gfx->println(F("RGB565_BLUE")); gfx->setTextSize(tsa); gfx->setTextColor(RGB565_YELLOW); gfx->println(1234.56); gfx->setTextColor(RGB565_WHITE); gfx->println((w > 128) ? 0xDEADBEEF : 0xDEADBEE, HEX); gfx->setTextColor(RGB565_CYAN, RGB565_WHITE); gfx->println(F("Groop,")); gfx->setTextSize(tsc); gfx->setTextColor(RGB565_MAGENTA, RGB565_WHITE); gfx->println(F("I implore thee,")); gfx->setTextSize(1); gfx->setTextColor(RGB565_NAVY, RGB565_WHITE); gfx->println(F("my foonting turlingdromes.")); gfx->setTextColor(RGB565_DARKGREEN, RGB565_WHITE); gfx->println(F("And hooptiously drangle me")); gfx->setTextColor(RGB565_DARKCYAN, RGB565_WHITE); gfx->println(F("with crinkly bindlewurdles,")); gfx->setTextColor(RGB565_MAROON, RGB565_WHITE); gfx->println(F("Or I will rend thee")); gfx->setTextColor(RGB565_PURPLE, RGB565_WHITE); gfx->println(F("in the gobberwartsb")); gfx->setTextColor(RGB565_OLIVE, RGB565_WHITE); gfx->println(F("with my blurglecruncheon,")); gfx->setTextColor(RGB565_DARKGREY, RGB565_WHITE); gfx->println(F("see if I don't!")); gfx->setTextSize(2); gfx->setTextColor(RGB565_RED); gfx->println(F("Size 2")); gfx->setTextSize(3); gfx->setTextColor(RGB565_ORANGE); gfx->println(F("Size 3")); gfx->setTextSize(4); gfx->setTextColor(RGB565_YELLOW); gfx->println(F("Size 4")); gfx->setTextSize(5); gfx->setTextColor(RGB565_GREENYELLOW); gfx->println(F("Size 5")); gfx->setTextSize(6); gfx->setTextColor(RGB565_GREEN); gfx->println(F("Size 6")); gfx->setTextSize(7); gfx->setTextColor(RGB565_BLUE); gfx->println(F("Size 7")); gfx->setTextSize(8); gfx->setTextColor(RGB565_PURPLE); gfx->println(F("Size 8")); gfx->setTextSize(9); gfx->setTextColor(RGB565_PALERED); gfx->println(F("Size 9")); return micros() - start; } int32_t testPixels() { uint32_t start = micros_start(); for (int16_t y = 0; y < h; y++) { for (int16_t x = 0; x < w; x++) { gfx->drawPixel(x, y, gfx->color565(x << 3, y << 3, x * y)); } #ifdef ESP8266 yield(); // avoid long run triggered ESP8266 WDT restart #endif } return micros() - start; } int32_t testLines() { uint32_t start; int32_t x1, y1, x2, y2; start = micros_start(); x1 = y1 = 0; y2 = h - 1; for (x2 = 0; x2 < w; x2 += 6) { gfx->drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, RGB565_BLUE); } #ifdef ESP8266 yield(); // avoid long run triggered ESP8266 WDT restart #endif x2 = w - 1; for (y2 = 0; y2 < h; y2 += 6) { gfx->drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, RGB565_BLUE); } #ifdef ESP8266 yield(); // avoid long run triggered ESP8266 WDT restart #endif x1 = w - 1; y1 = 0; y2 = h - 1; for (x2 = 0; x2 < w; x2 += 6) { gfx->drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, RGB565_BLUE); } #ifdef ESP8266 yield(); // avoid long run triggered ESP8266 WDT restart #endif x2 = 0; for (y2 = 0; y2 < h; y2 += 6) { gfx->drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, RGB565_BLUE); } #ifdef ESP8266 yield(); // avoid long run triggered ESP8266 WDT restart #endif x1 = 0; y1 = h - 1; y2 = 0; for (x2 = 0; x2 < w; x2 += 6) { gfx->drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, RGB565_BLUE); } #ifdef ESP8266 yield(); // avoid long run triggered ESP8266 WDT restart #endif x2 = w - 1; for (y2 = 0; y2 < h; y2 += 6) { gfx->drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, RGB565_BLUE); } #ifdef ESP8266 yield(); // avoid long run triggered ESP8266 WDT restart #endif x1 = w - 1; y1 = h - 1; y2 = 0; for (x2 = 0; x2 < w; x2 += 6) { gfx->drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, RGB565_BLUE); } #ifdef ESP8266 yield(); // avoid long run triggered ESP8266 WDT restart #endif x2 = 0; for (y2 = 0; y2 < h; y2 += 6) { gfx->drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, RGB565_BLUE); } #ifdef ESP8266 yield(); // avoid long run triggered ESP8266 WDT restart #endif return micros() - start; } int32_t testFastLines() { uint32_t start; int32_t x, y; start = micros_start(); for (y = 0; y < h; y += 5) { gfx->drawFastHLine(0, y, w, RGB565_RED); } for (x = 0; x < w; x += 5) { gfx->drawFastVLine(x, 0, h, RGB565_BLUE); } return micros() - start; } int32_t testFilledRects() { uint32_t start; int32_t i, i2; start = micros_start(); for (i = n; i > 0; i -= 6) { i2 = i / 2; gfx->fillRect(cx - i2, cy - i2, i, i, gfx->color565(i, i, 0)); } return micros() - start; } int32_t testRects() { uint32_t start; int32_t i, i2; start = micros_start(); for (i = 2; i < n; i += 6) { i2 = i / 2; gfx->drawRect(cx - i2, cy - i2, i, i, RGB565_GREEN); } return micros() - start; } int32_t testFilledCircles(uint8_t radius) { uint32_t start; int32_t x, y, r2 = radius * 2; start = micros_start(); for (x = radius; x < w; x += r2) { for (y = radius; y < h; y += r2) { gfx->fillCircle(x, y, radius, RGB565_MAGENTA); } } return micros() - start; } int32_t testCircles(uint8_t radius) { uint32_t start; int32_t x, y, r2 = radius * 2; int32_t w1 = w + radius; int32_t h1 = h + radius; // Screen is not cleared for this one -- this is // intentional and does not affect the reported time. start = micros_start(); for (x = 0; x < w1; x += r2) { for (y = 0; y < h1; y += r2) { gfx->drawCircle(x, y, radius, RGB565_WHITE); } } return micros() - start; } int32_t testFillArcs() { int16_t i, r = 360 / cn; uint32_t start = micros_start(); for (i = 6; i < cn; i += 6) { gfx->fillArc(cx1, cy1, i, i - 3, 0, i * r, RGB565_RED); } return micros() - start; } int32_t testArcs() { int16_t i, r = 360 / cn; uint32_t start = micros_start(); for (i = 6; i < cn; i += 6) { gfx->drawArc(cx1, cy1, i, i - 3, 0, i * r, RGB565_WHITE); } return micros() - start; } int32_t testFilledTriangles() { uint32_t start; int32_t i; start = micros_start(); for (i = cn1; i > 10; i -= 5) { gfx->fillTriangle(cx1, cy1 - i, cx1 - i, cy1 + i, cx1 + i, cy1 + i, gfx->color565(0, i, i)); } return micros() - start; } int32_t testTriangles() { uint32_t start; int32_t i; start = micros_start(); for (i = 0; i < cn; i += 5) { gfx->drawTriangle( cx1, cy1 - i, // peak cx1 - i, cy1 + i, // bottom left cx1 + i, cy1 + i, // bottom right gfx->color565(0, 0, i)); } return micros() - start; } int32_t testFilledRoundRects() { uint32_t start; int32_t i, i2; start = micros_start(); for (i = n1; i > 20; i -= 6) { i2 = i / 2; gfx->fillRoundRect(cx - i2, cy - i2, i, i, i / 8, gfx->color565(0, i, 0)); } return micros() - start; } int32_t testRoundRects() { uint32_t start; int32_t i, i2; start = micros_start(); for (i = 20; i < n1; i += 6) { i2 = i / 2; gfx->drawRoundRect(cx - i2, cy - i2, i, i, i / 8, gfx->color565(i, 0, 0)); } return micros() - start; } /*************************************************** Original sketch text: This is an example sketch for the Adafruit 2.2" SPI display. This library works with the Adafruit 2.2" TFT Breakout w/SD card ----> http://www.adafruit.com/products/1480 Check out the links above for our tutorials and wiring diagrams These displays use SPI to communicate, 4 or 5 pins are required to interface (RST is optional) Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code, please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing products from Adafruit! Written by Limor Fried/Ladyada for Adafruit Industries. MIT license, all text above must be included in any redistribution ****************************************************/