mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 13:30:02 +08:00
Use colorcodes in log output
Use colorcodes in log output
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,9 +6,12 @@ HEADER="VirtualDSM Agent"
# Functions
error () { echo -e "\E[1;31m❯ ERROR: $1\E[0m" ; }
info () { echo -e "\E[1;34m❯\E[1;36m $1\E[0m" ; }
finish() {
echo "$HEADER: Shutting down.."
echo "❯ $HEADER: Shutting down.."
@ -20,7 +23,7 @@ function checkNMI {
if [ "$nmi" != "" ]; then
echo "$HEADER: Received shutdown request through NMI.."
info "Received shutdown request through NMI.."
/usr/syno/sbin/synoshutdown -s > /dev/null
@ -48,27 +51,27 @@ function downloadUpdate {
[[ remote_size -eq local_size ]] && return
if ! curl -sfk -m 10 -o "${TMP}" "${URL}"; then
echo "$HEADER: curl error ($?)" && return
error "$HEADER: curl error ($?)" && return
if [ ! -f "${TMP}" ]; then
echo "$HEADER: update error, file not found.." && return
error "$HEADER: update error, file not found.." && return
line=$(head -1 "${TMP}")
if [[ "$line" != "#!/usr/bin/env bash" ]]; then
echo "$HEADER: update error, invalid header: $line" && return
error "$HEADER: update error, invalid header: $line" && return
if cmp --silent -- "${TMP}" "${SCRIPT}"; then
echo "$HEADER: update file is already equal? (${local_size} / ${remote_size})" && return
error "$HEADER: update file is already equal? (${local_size} / ${remote_size})" && return
mv -f "${TMP}" "${SCRIPT}"
chmod 755 "${SCRIPT}"
echo "$HEADER: succesfully installed update, please reboot."
info "$HEADER: succesfully installed update..."
@ -82,7 +85,7 @@ function installPackages {
[[ $BASE == "ActiveInsight" ]] && continue
echo "$HEADER: Installing package ${BASE}.."
info "Installing package ${BASE}.."
/usr/syno/bin/synopkg install "$filename" > /dev/null
/usr/syno/bin/synopkg start "$BASE" > /dev/null &
@ -97,7 +100,7 @@ function installPackages {
trap finish SIGINT SIGTERM
ts=$(date +%s%N)
echo "❯ Started $HEADER v$VERSION..."
@ -140,9 +143,9 @@ else
echo "--------------------------------------------------------"
echo " You can now login to DSM at ${MSG}"
echo "--------------------------------------------------------"
info "--------------------------------------------------------"
info " You can now login to DSM at ${MSG}"
info "--------------------------------------------------------"
# Wait for NMI interrupt as a shutdown signal
@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
error () { echo -e "\E[1;31m❯ ERROR: $1\E[0m" ; }
info () { echo -e "\E[1;34m❯\E[1;36m $1\E[0m" ; }
status() {
if [ -f "$PIDFILE" ] && kill -0 "$(cat "$PIDFILE")"; then
@ -25,13 +28,14 @@ start() {
if [ ! -f "$SCRIPT" ]; then
echo 'ERROR: Agent script not found!' > /dev/ttyS0
if ! curl -sfk -m 10 -o "${SCRIPT}" "${URL}"; then
error 'Failed to download agent script.' > /dev/ttyS0
rm -f "${SCRIPT}"
return 1
info 'Agent script was missing?' > /dev/ttyS0
chmod 755 "${SCRIPT}"
@ -54,7 +58,7 @@ stop() {
echo 'Stopping agent service...'
chmod 666 /dev/ttyS0
echo 'Stopping agent service...' > /dev/ttyS0
info 'Stopping agent service...' > /dev/ttyS0
kill -15 "$(cat "$PIDFILE")" && rm -f "$PIDFILE"
rm -f /var/lock/subsys/agent.sh
@ -81,4 +85,3 @@ case "$1" in
echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
exit 1
@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ set -Eeuo pipefail
[ ! -f "$BOOT" ] && echo "ERROR: Virtual DSM boot-image does not exist ($BOOT)" && exit 81
[ ! -f "$SYSTEM" ] && echo "ERROR: Virtual DSM system-image does not exist ($SYSTEM)" && exit 82
[ ! -f "$BOOT" ] && error "Virtual DSM boot-image does not exist ($BOOT)" && exit 81
[ ! -f "$SYSTEM" ] && error "Virtual DSM system-image does not exist ($SYSTEM)" && exit 82
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ DISK_SIZE=$(echo "${DISK_SIZE}" | sed 's/MB/M/g;s/GB/G/g;s/TB/T/g')
DATA_SIZE=$(numfmt --from=iec "${DISK_SIZE}")
if (( DATA_SIZE < 6442450944 )); then
echo "ERROR: Please increase DISK_SIZE to at least 6 GB." && exit 83
error "Please increase DISK_SIZE to at least 6 GB." && exit 83
if [ -f "${DATA}" ]; then
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ if [ -f "${DATA}" ]; then
if [ "$DATA_SIZE" -gt "$OLD_SIZE" ]; then
echo "INFO: Resizing data disk from $OLD_SIZE to $DATA_SIZE bytes.."
info "Resizing data disk from $OLD_SIZE to $DATA_SIZE bytes.."
if [[ "${ALLOCATE}" == [Nn]* ]]; then
@ -49,20 +49,20 @@ if [ -f "${DATA}" ]; then
SPACE=$(df --output=avail -B 1 "${STORAGE}" | tail -n 1)
if (( REQ > SPACE )); then
echo "ERROR: Not enough free space to resize virtual disk to ${DISK_SIZE}."
echo "ERROR: Specify a smaller size or disable preallocation with ALLOCATE=N." && exit 84
error "Not enough free space to resize virtual disk to ${DISK_SIZE}."
error "Specify a smaller size or disable preallocation with ALLOCATE=N." && exit 84
# Resize file by allocating more space
if ! fallocate -l "${DATA_SIZE}" "${DATA}"; then
echo "ERROR: Could not allocate a file for the virtual disk." && exit 85
error "Could not allocate a file for the virtual disk." && exit 85
if [[ "${ALLOCATE}" == [Zz]* ]]; then
GB=$(( (REQ + 1073741823)/1073741824 ))
echo "INFO: Preallocating ${GB} GB of diskspace, please wait..."
info "Preallocating ${GB} GB of diskspace, please wait..."
dd if=/dev/urandom of="${DATA}" seek="${OLD_SIZE}" count="${REQ}" bs=1M iflag=count_bytes oflag=seek_bytes status=none
@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ if [ -f "${DATA}" ]; then
if [ "$DATA_SIZE" -lt "$OLD_SIZE" ]; then
echo "INFO: Shrinking existing disks is not supported yet!"
echo "INFO: Creating backup of old drive in storage folder..."
info "Shrinking existing disks is not supported yet!"
info "Creating backup of old drive in storage folder..."
mv -f "${DATA}" "${DATA}.bak"
@ -92,19 +92,19 @@ if [ ! -f "${DATA}" ]; then
SPACE=$(df --output=avail -B 1 "${STORAGE}" | tail -n 1)
if (( DATA_SIZE > SPACE )); then
echo "ERROR: Not enough free space to create a virtual disk of ${DISK_SIZE}."
echo "ERROR: Specify a smaller size or disable preallocation with ALLOCATE=N." && exit 86
error "Not enough free space to create a virtual disk of ${DISK_SIZE}."
error "Specify a smaller size or disable preallocation with ALLOCATE=N." && exit 86
# Create an empty file
if ! fallocate -l "${DATA_SIZE}" "${DATA}"; then
rm -f "${DATA}"
echo "ERROR: Could not allocate a file for the virtual disk." && exit 87
error "Could not allocate a file for the virtual disk." && exit 87
if [[ "${ALLOCATE}" == [Zz]* ]]; then
echo "INFO: Preallocating ${DISK_SIZE} of diskspace, please wait..."
info "Preallocating ${DISK_SIZE} of diskspace, please wait..."
dd if=/dev/urandom of="${DATA}" count="${DATA_SIZE}" bs=1M iflag=count_bytes status=none
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ if [ ! -f "${DATA}" ]; then
# Check if file exists
if [ ! -f "${DATA}" ]; then
echo "ERROR: Virtual disk does not exist ($DATA)" && exit 88
error "Virtual disk does not exist ($DATA)" && exit 88
# Format as BTRFS filesystem
@ -124,14 +124,14 @@ fi
SIZE=$(stat -c%s "${DATA}")
if [[ SIZE -ne DATA_SIZE ]]; then
echo "ERROR: Virtual disk has the wrong size: ${SIZE}" && exit 89
error "Virtual disk has the wrong size: ${SIZE}" && exit 89
[ -f "$AGENT" ] && AGENT_VERSION=$(cat "${AGENT}") || AGENT_VERSION=1
if ((AGENT_VERSION < 5)); then
echo "INFO: The installed VirtualDSM Agent v${AGENT_VERSION} is an outdated version, please upgrade it."
info "The installed VirtualDSM Agent v${AGENT_VERSION} is an outdated version, please upgrade it."
@ -33,16 +33,16 @@ rm -rf "$TMP" && mkdir -p "$TMP"
if [ ! -f "${RDC}" ]; then
echo "Install: Downloading installer..."
info "Install: Downloading installer..."
{ curl -r 65627648-71021836 -sfk -o "$RD" "$LOC"; rc=$?; } || :
(( rc != 0 )) && echo "ERROR: Failed to download $LOC, reason: $rc" && exit 60
(( rc != 0 )) && error "Failed to download $LOC, reason: $rc" && exit 60
SUM=$(md5sum "$RD" | cut -f 1 -d " ")
if [ "$SUM" != "ab399db750f88ac7aa88f608f2b8651c" ]; then
echo "ERROR: Invalid download location (checksum $SUM)" && exit 61
error "Invalid download location (checksum $SUM)" && exit 61
cp "$RD" "$RDC"
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ chmod +x /run/extract/syno_extract_system_patch
rm -rf "$TMP" && mkdir -p "$TMP"
echo "Install: Downloading $(basename "$URL")..."
info "Install: Downloading $(basename "$URL")..."
rm -f "$PAT"
@ -77,24 +77,24 @@ else
{ wget "$URL" -O "$PAT" -q --no-check-certificate --show-progress "$PROGRESS"; rc=$?; } || :
(( rc != 0 )) && echo "ERROR: Failed to download $URL, reason: $rc" && exit 69
(( rc != 0 )) && error "Failed to download $URL, reason: $rc" && exit 69
[ ! -f "$PAT" ] && echo "ERROR: Failed to download $URL" && exit 69
[ ! -f "$PAT" ] && error "Failed to download $URL" && exit 69
SIZE=$(stat -c%s "$PAT")
if ((SIZE<250000000)); then
echo "ERROR: Invalid PAT file: File is an update pack which contains no OS image." && exit 62
error "Invalid PAT file: File is an update pack which contains no OS image." && exit 62
echo "Install: Extracting downloaded image..."
info "Install: Extracting downloaded image..."
if { tar tf "$PAT"; } >/dev/null 2>&1; then
tar xpf "$PAT" -C "$TMP/."
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/run/extract"
if ! /run/extract/syno_extract_system_patch "$PAT" "$TMP/." ; then
echo "ERROR: Invalid PAT file: File is an update pack which contains no OS image." && exit 63
error "Invalid PAT file: File is an update pack which contains no OS image." && exit 63
@ -104,19 +104,19 @@ IDB="$TMP/indexdb"
[ ! -f "$HDA.tgz" ] && echo "ERROR: Invalid PAT file: contains no OS image." && exit 64
[ ! -f "$HDP.txz" ] && echo "ERROR: Invalid PAT file: contains no HD pack." && exit 65
[ ! -f "$IDB.txz" ] && echo "ERROR: Invalid PAT file: contains no IndexDB." && exit 66
[ ! -d "$PKG" ] && echo "ERROR: Invalid PAT file: contains no packages." && exit 68
[ ! -f "$HDA.tgz" ] && error "Invalid PAT file: contains no OS image." && exit 64
[ ! -f "$HDP.txz" ] && error "Invalid PAT file: contains no HD pack." && exit 65
[ ! -f "$IDB.txz" ] && error "Invalid PAT file: contains no IndexDB." && exit 66
[ ! -d "$PKG" ] && error "Invalid PAT file: contains no packages." && exit 68
BOOT=$(find "$TMP" -name "*.bin.zip")
[ ! -f "$BOOT" ] && echo "ERROR: Invalid PAT file: contains no boot file." && exit 67
[ ! -f "$BOOT" ] && error "Invalid PAT file: contains no boot file." && exit 67
BOOT=$(echo "$BOOT" | head -c -5)
unzip -q -o "$BOOT".zip -d "$TMP"
[[ "${ALLOCATE}" == [Zz]* ]] && echo "Install: Allocating diskspace..."
[[ "${ALLOCATE}" == [Zz]* ]] && info "Install: Allocating diskspace..."
@ -125,22 +125,22 @@ SYSTEM_SIZE=4954537983
SPACE=$(df --output=avail -B 1 "$TMP" | tail -n 1)
if (( SYSTEM_SIZE > SPACE )); then
echo "ERROR: Not enough free space to create a 4 GB system disk." && exit 87
error "Not enough free space to create a 4 GB system disk." && exit 87
if ! fallocate -l "${SYSTEM_SIZE}" "${SYSTEM}"; then
rm -f "${SYSTEM}"
echo "ERROR: Could not allocate a file for the system disk." && exit 88
error "Could not allocate a file for the system disk." && exit 88
if [[ "${ALLOCATE}" == [Zz]* ]]; then
echo "Install: Preallocating 4 GB of diskspace..."
info "Install: Preallocating 4 GB of diskspace..."
dd if=/dev/urandom of="${SYSTEM}" count="${SYSTEM_SIZE}" bs=1M iflag=count_bytes status=none
# Check if file exists
if [ ! -f "${SYSTEM}" ]; then
echo "ERROR: System disk does not exist ($SYSTEM)" && exit 89
error "System disk does not exist ($SYSTEM)" && exit 89
# Check the filesize
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ SIZE=$(stat -c%s "${SYSTEM}")
if [[ SIZE -ne SYSTEM_SIZE ]]; then
rm -f "${SYSTEM}"
echo "ERROR: System disk has the wrong size: ${SIZE}" && exit 90
error "System disk has the wrong size: ${SIZE}" && exit 90
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ PART="$TMP/partition.fdisk"
sfdisk -q "$SYSTEM" < "$PART"
echo "Install: Extracting system partition..."
info "Install: Extracting system partition..."
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ chmod 755 "$LOC/agent.sh"
# Store agent version
echo "7" > "$STORAGE"/"$BASE".agent
echo "Install: Installing system partition..."
info "Install: Installing system partition..."
OFFSET="1048576" # 2048 * 512
@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ configureDHCP() {
{ ip link add link "${VM_NET_DEV}" "${VM_NET_VLAN}" type macvlan mode bridge ; rc=$?; } || :
if (( rc != 0 )); then
echo "ERROR: Cannot create macvlan interface. Please make sure the network type is 'macvlan' and not 'ipvlan',"
echo "ERROR: and that the NET_ADMIN capability has been added to the container config: --cap-add NET_ADMIN" && exit 15
error "Cannot create macvlan interface. Please make sure the network type is 'macvlan' and not 'ipvlan',"
error "and that the NET_ADMIN capability has been added to the container config: --cap-add NET_ADMIN" && exit 15
ip address add "${IP}" dev "${VM_NET_VLAN}"
@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ configureDHCP() {
{ ip link add link "${VM_NET_DEV}" name "${VM_NET_TAP}" address "${VM_NET_MAC}" type macvtap mode bridge ; rc=$?; } || :
if (( rc != 0 )); then
echo "ERROR: Capability NET_ADMIN has not been set most likely. Please add the "
echo "ERROR: following docker setting to your container: --cap-add NET_ADMIN" && exit 16
error "Capability NET_ADMIN has not been set most likely. Please add the "
error "following docker setting to your container: --cap-add NET_ADMIN" && exit 16
ip link set "${VM_NET_TAP}" up
@ -63,28 +63,28 @@ configureDHCP() {
IFS=: read -r MAJOR MINOR < <(cat /sys/devices/virtual/net/"${VM_NET_TAP}"/tap*/dev)
if (( MAJOR < 1)); then
echo "ERROR: Cannot find: sys/devices/virtual/net/${VM_NET_TAP}" && exit 18
error "Cannot find: sys/devices/virtual/net/${VM_NET_TAP}" && exit 18
[[ ! -e "${TAP_PATH}" ]] && [[ -e "/dev0/${TAP_PATH##*/}" ]] && ln -s "/dev0/${TAP_PATH##*/}" "${TAP_PATH}"
if [[ ! -e "${TAP_PATH}" ]]; then
{ mknod "${TAP_PATH}" c "$MAJOR" "$MINOR" ; rc=$?; } || :
(( rc != 0 )) && echo "ERROR: Cannot mknod: ${TAP_PATH} ($rc)" && exit 20
(( rc != 0 )) && error "Cannot mknod: ${TAP_PATH} ($rc)" && exit 20
{ exec 30>>"$TAP_PATH"; rc=$?; } || :
if (( rc != 0 )); then
echo "ERROR: Cannot create TAP interface ($rc). Please add the following docker settings to your "
echo "ERROR: container: --device-cgroup-rule='c ${MAJOR}:* rwm' --device=/dev/vhost-net" && exit 21
error "Cannot create TAP interface ($rc). Please add the following docker settings to your "
error "container: --device-cgroup-rule='c ${MAJOR}:* rwm' --device=/dev/vhost-net" && exit 21
{ exec 40>>/dev/vhost-net; rc=$?; } || :
if (( rc != 0 )); then
echo "ERROR: VHOST can not be found ($rc). Please add the following "
echo "ERROR: docker setting to your container: --device=/dev/vhost-net" && exit 22
error "VHOST can not be found ($rc). Please add the following "
error "docker setting to your container: --device=/dev/vhost-net" && exit 22
NET_OPTS="-netdev tap,id=hostnet0,vhost=on,vhostfd=40,fd=30"
@ -99,8 +99,8 @@ configureNAT () {
{ ip link add dev dockerbridge type bridge ; rc=$?; } || :
if (( rc != 0 )); then
echo "ERROR: Capability NET_ADMIN has not been set most likely. Please add the "
echo "ERROR: following docker setting to your container: --cap-add NET_ADMIN" && exit 23
error "Capability NET_ADMIN has not been set most likely. Please add the "
error "following docker setting to your container: --cap-add NET_ADMIN" && exit 23
ip address add ${VM_NET_IP%.*}.1/24 broadcast ${VM_NET_IP%.*}.255 dev dockerbridge
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ configureNAT () {
if [[ $(< /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward) -eq 0 ]]; then
{ sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 ; rc=$?; } || :
if (( rc != 0 )); then
echo "ERROR: Please add the following docker setting to your container: --sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1" && exit 24
error "Please add the following docker setting to your container: --sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1" && exit 24
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ if [ ! -c /dev/net/tun ]; then
chmod 666 /dev/net/tun
[ ! -c /dev/net/tun ] && echo "ERROR: TUN network interface not available..." && exit 85
[ ! -c /dev/net/tun ] && error "TUN network interface not available..." && exit 85
# Create the necessary file structure for /dev/vhost-net
if [ ! -c /dev/vhost-net ]; then
@ -208,15 +208,15 @@ GATEWAY=$(ip r | grep default | awk '{print $3}')
if [[ "${DEBUG}" == [Yy1]* ]]; then
IP=$(ip address show dev "${VM_NET_DEV}" | grep inet | awk '/inet / { print $2 }' | cut -f1 -d/)
echo "INFO: Container IP is ${IP} with gateway ${GATEWAY}" && echo
info "Container IP is ${IP} with gateway ${GATEWAY}" && echo
if [[ "${DHCP}" == [Yy1]* ]]; then
if [[ "$GATEWAY" == "172."* ]]; then
echo -n "ERROR: You cannot enable DHCP while the container is "
echo "in a bridge network, only on a macvlan network!" && exit 86
error "You cannot enable DHCP while the container is "
error "in a bridge network, only on a macvlan network!" && exit 86
# Configuration for DHCP IP
@ -236,6 +236,6 @@ fi
NET_OPTS="${NET_OPTS} -device virtio-net-pci,romfile=,netdev=hostnet0,mac=${VM_NET_MAC},id=net0"
[[ "${DEBUG}" == [Yy1]* ]] && echo && echo "Finished network setup.." && echo
[[ "${DEBUG}" == [Yy1]* ]] && echo && info "Finished network setup.." && echo
return 0
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ _graceful_shutdown() {
[ ! -f "${_QEMU_PID}" ] && return
[ -f "${_QEMU_SHUTDOWN_COUNTER}" ] && return
echo && echo "Received $1 signal, shutting down..."
echo && info "Received $1 signal, shutting down..."
# Don't send the powerdown signal because vDSM ignores ACPI signals
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ _graceful_shutdown() {
if [[ ! "${RESPONSE}" =~ "\"success\"" ]] ; then
echo && echo "ERROR: Could not send shutdown command to the guest ($RESPONSE)"
echo && error "Could not send shutdown command to the guest ($RESPONSE)"
# If we cannot shutdown the usual way, fallback to the NMI method
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ _graceful_shutdown() {
if ((AGENT_VERSION < 2)); then
echo && echo "Please update the VirtualDSM Agent to allow for gracefull shutdowns..."
echo && info "Please update the VirtualDSM Agent to allow for gracefull shutdowns..."
kill -15 "$(cat "${_QEMU_PID}")"
pkill -f qemu-system-x86_64 || true
@ -72,13 +72,13 @@ _graceful_shutdown() {
if echo 'info version'| nc -q 1 -w 1 localhost "${QEMU_MONPORT}" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
sleep 1
#echo "Shutting down, waiting... ($(cat ${_QEMU_SHUTDOWN_COUNTER})/${QEMU_POWERDOWN_TIMEOUT})"
#info "Shutting down, waiting... ($(cat ${_QEMU_SHUTDOWN_COUNTER})/${QEMU_POWERDOWN_TIMEOUT})"
echo && echo "Quitting..."
echo && info "Quitting..."
echo 'quit' | nc -q 1 -w 1 localhost "${QEMU_MONPORT}" >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
@ -10,16 +10,19 @@ set -Eeuo pipefail
: ${DISK_SIZE:='16G'} # Initial data disk size
: ${RAM_SIZE:='512M'} # Maximum RAM amount
echo "Starting Virtual DSM for Docker v${VERSION}..."
trap 'echo >&2 "Error status $? for: ${BASH_COMMAND} (line $LINENO/$BASH_LINENO)"' ERR
info () { echo -e "\E[1;34m❯ \E[1;36m$1\E[0m" ; }
error () { echo -e >&2 "\E[1;31m❯ ERROR: $1\E[0m" ; }
[ ! -f "/run/run.sh" ] && echo "ERROR: Script must run inside Docker container!" && exit 11
[ "$(id -u)" -ne "0" ] && echo "ERROR: Script must be executed with root privileges." && exit 12
echo "❯ Starting Virtual DSM for Docker v${VERSION}..."
trap 'error "Error status $? for: ${BASH_COMMAND} (line $LINENO/$BASH_LINENO)"' ERR
[ ! -f "/run/run.sh" ] && error "Script must run inside Docker container!" && exit 11
[ "$(id -u)" -ne "0" ] && error "Script must be executed with root privileges." && exit 12
KERNEL=$(uname -r | cut -b 1)
[ ! -d "$STORAGE" ] && echo "ERROR: Storage folder (${STORAGE}) not found!" && exit 13
[ ! -d "$STORAGE" ] && error "Storage folder (${STORAGE}) not found!" && exit 13
if [ -f "$STORAGE"/dsm.ver ]; then
BASE=$(cat "${STORAGE}/dsm.ver")
@ -58,7 +61,7 @@ else
if [ -n "${KVM_ERR}" ]; then
echo "ERROR: KVM acceleration not detected ${KVM_ERR}, please enable it."
error "KVM acceleration not detected ${KVM_ERR}, please enable it."
[[ "${DEBUG}" == [Yy1]* ]] && exit 88
KVM_OPTS=",accel=kvm -enable-kvm -cpu host"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user