#!/usr/bin/env bash set -Eeuo pipefail info () { echo -e >&2 "\E[1;34m❯\E[1;36m $1\E[0m" ; } error () { echo -e >&2 "\E[1;31m❯ ERROR: $1\E[0m" ; } retry=true while [ "$retry" = true ] do sleep 2 # Retrieve IP from guest VM set +e RESPONSE=$(curl -s -m 16 -S 2>&1) set -e if [[ ! "${RESPONSE}" =~ "\"success\"" ]] ; then error "Failed to connect to guest: $RESPONSE" && continue fi # Retrieve the HTTP port number if [[ ! "${RESPONSE}" =~ "\"http_port\"" ]] ; then error "Failed to parse response from guest: $RESPONSE" && continue fi rest=${RESPONSE#*http_port} rest=${rest#*:} rest=${rest%%,*} PORT=${rest%%\"*} [ -z "${PORT}" ] && continue # Retrieve the IP address if [[ ! "${RESPONSE}" =~ "eth0" ]] ; then error "Failed to parse response from guest: $RESPONSE" && continue fi rest=${RESPONSE#*eth0} rest=${rest#*ip} rest=${rest#*:} rest=${rest#*\"} IP=${rest%%\"*} [ -z "${IP}" ] && continue retry=false done if [[ "$IP" == "20.20"* ]]; then MSG="port ${PORT}" else MSG="http://${IP}:${PORT}" fi echo "" >&2 info "--------------------------------------------------------" info " You can now login to DSM at ${MSG}" info "--------------------------------------------------------" echo "" >&2