#!/usr/bin/env bash set -u VERSION="8" HEADER="VirtualDSM Agent" # Functions error () { echo -e "\E[1;31m❯ ERROR: $1\E[0m" ; } info () { echo -e "\E[1;34m❯\E[1;36m $1\E[0m" ; } finish() { echo "❯ $HEADER: Shutting down.." exit } function checkNMI { local nmi nmi=$(cat /proc/interrupts | grep NMI | sed 's/[^1-9]*//g') if [ "$nmi" != "" ]; then info "Received shutdown request through NMI.." /usr/syno/sbin/synoshutdown -s > /dev/null finish fi } function downloadUpdate { TMP="/tmp/agent.sh" rm -f "${TMP}" # Auto update the agent URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vdsm/virtual-dsm/master/agent/agent.sh" remote_size=$(curl -sIk -m 4 "${URL}" | grep -i "content-length:" | tr -d " \t" | cut -d ':' -f 2) remote_size=${remote_size//$'\r'} [[ "$remote_size" == "" || "$remote_size" == "0" ]] && return SCRIPT=$(readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}") local_size=$(stat -c%s "$SCRIPT") [[ remote_size -eq local_size ]] && return if ! curl -sfk -m 10 -o "${TMP}" "${URL}"; then error "$HEADER: curl error ($?)" && return fi if [ ! -f "${TMP}" ]; then error "$HEADER: update error, file not found.." && return fi line=$(head -1 "${TMP}") if [[ "$line" != "#!/usr/bin/env bash" ]]; then error "$HEADER: update error, invalid header: $line" && return fi if cmp --silent -- "${TMP}" "${SCRIPT}"; then error "$HEADER: update file is already equal? (${local_size} / ${remote_size})" && return fi mv -f "${TMP}" "${SCRIPT}" chmod 755 "${SCRIPT}" info "$HEADER: succesfully installed update..." } function installPackages { for filename in /usr/local/packages/*.spk; do if [ -f "$filename" ]; then BASE=$(basename "$filename" .spk) BASE="${BASE%%-*}" [[ $BASE == "ActiveInsight" ]] && continue info "Installing package ${BASE}.." /usr/syno/bin/synopkg install "$filename" > /dev/null /usr/syno/bin/synopkg start "$BASE" > /dev/null & rm "$filename" fi done } trap finish SIGINT SIGTERM ts=$(date +%s%N) echo "" echo "❯ Started $HEADER v$VERSION..." checkNMI # Install packages first_run=false for filename in /usr/local/packages/*.spk; do if [ -f "$filename" ]; then first_run=true fi done if [ "$first_run" = true ]; then installPackages else downloadUpdate fi delay=500 elapsed=$((($(date +%s%N) - ts)/1000000)) if [[ delay -gt elapsed ]]; then difference=$((delay-elapsed)) float=$(echo | awk -v diff="${difference}" '{print diff * 0.001}') sleep "$float" fi # Display message in docker log output IP=$(ip address show dev eth0 | grep inet | awk '/inet / { print $2 }' | cut -f1 -d/) if [[ "$IP" == "20.20"* ]]; then MSG="port 5000" else MSG="http://${IP}:5000" fi echo "" info "--------------------------------------------------------" info " You can now login to DSM at ${MSG}" info "--------------------------------------------------------" echo "" # Wait for NMI interrupt as a shutdown signal while true; do checkNMI sleep 2 & wait $! done