#!/usr/bin/env bash set -u [ ! -f "/run/qemu.pid" ] && echo "QEMU not running yet.." && exit 0 # Retrieve IP from guest for Docker healthcheck RESPONSE=$(curl -s -m 6 -S 2>&1) if [[ ! "${RESPONSE}" =~ "\"success\"" ]] ; then echo "Failed to connect to guest: $RESPONSE" && exit 1 fi # Retrieve the HTTP port number if [[ ! "${RESPONSE}" =~ "\"http_port\"" ]] ; then echo "Failed to parse response from guest: $RESPONSE" && exit 1 fi rest=${RESPONSE#*http_port} rest=${rest#*:} rest=${rest%%,*} PORT=${rest%%\"*} if [ -z "${PORT}" ]; then echo "Guest has not set a portnumber yet.." && exit 1 fi # Retrieve the IP address if [[ ! "${RESPONSE}" =~ "eth0" ]] ; then echo "Failed to parse response from guest: $RESPONSE" && exit 1 fi rest=${RESPONSE#*eth0} rest=${rest#*ip} rest=${rest#*:} rest=${rest#*\"} IP=${rest%%\"*} if [ -z "${IP}" ]; then echo "Guest has not received an IP yet.." && exit 1 fi if [[ "$IP" != "20.20"* ]] && [[ ! -f "/run/vlan.pid" ]] ; then echo $$ > "/run/vlan.pid" # Create a macvlan network to reach the VM guest { ip link add link eth0 dsm_vlan type macvlan mode bridge ; rc=$?; } || : (( rc != 0 )) && echo "Cannot create macvlan interface." && exit 1 HOST_IP=$(ip address show dev eth0 | grep inet | awk '/inet / { print $2 }' | cut -f1 -d/) #ip address add "${HOST_IP}" dev dsm_vlan #ip link set dev dsm_vlan up #ip route flush dev dsm_vlan #ip route add "${IP}"/32 dev dsm_vlan metric 0 echo "Finished.." fi if ! curl -m 3 -ILfSs "http://${IP}:${PORT}/" > /dev/null; then echo "Failed to reach ${IP}:${PORT}" exit 1 fi echo "Healthcheck OK ($IP)" exit 0