#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eu [ ! -e /dev/net/tun ] && echo "Error: TUN interface not available..." && exit 85 # A bridge of this name will be created to host the TAP interface created for # the VM QEMU_BRIDGE='qemubr0' # DHCPD must have an IP address to run, but that address doesn't have to # be valid. This is the dummy address dhcpd is configured to use. DUMMY_DHCPD_IP='' # The name of the dhcpd config file we make DHCPD_CONF_FILE='dhcpd.conf' function default_intf() { ip -json route show | jq -r '.[] | select(.dst == "default") | .dev' } # First step, we run the things that need to happen before we start mucking # with the interfaces. We start by generating the DHCPD config file based # on our current address/routes. We "steal" the container's IP, and lease # it to the VM once it starts up. /run/generate-dhcpd-conf $QEMU_BRIDGE > $DHCPD_CONF_FILE default_dev=$(default_intf) # Now we start modifying the networking configuration. First we clear out # the IP address of the default device (will also have the side-effect of # removing the default route) ip addr flush dev "$default_dev" # Next, we create our bridge, and add our container interface to it. ip link add "$QEMU_BRIDGE" type bridge ip link set dev "$default_dev" master "$QEMU_BRIDGE" # Then, we toggle the interface and the bridge to make sure everything is up # and running. ip link set dev "$default_dev" up ip link set dev "$QEMU_BRIDGE" up # Prevent error about missing file touch /var/lib/misc/udhcpd.leases # Finally, start our DHCPD server udhcpd -I $DUMMY_DHCPD_IP -f $DHCPD_CONF_FILE 2>&1 & exit 0